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1273 Olivine Ave, Mentone, CA 92359
We also Service: Yucaipa, Beaumont, Calimesa, Cherry Valley, Loma Linda

Rodent Control

Same & Next-Day Appointments Available | We Are Insured, Licensed, & Bonded

Rodent Control in Redlands, California

Mice, Rodent Control in Redlands, CA
With more residential communities developing in rural and green-belted areas, homeowners are experiencing greater intrusion from unwanted critters displaced from their natural habitats.

Homes are now becoming nesting places where animals live within attics, chimneys, sub-floors, and various other places within a residence.

These unwanted house guests can damage properties and possibly expose your family to diseases such as rabies, ringworms, and Lyme disease. Count of Freeman Termites & Pest Control of Redlands, California, to provide quick and efficient rodent control services.

Expert Rodent Control

Food industry operations are highly attractive to rodents and roaches and should be dealt with as quickly as possible to avoid any situations involving your personnel or your customers. Our certified pest control specialists will inspect your building from the ground up, and provide the solution to free it of annoying and possibly dangerous pests.

During treatment, we will pursue the offending animal using clean, sanitized traps filled with natural bait foods and then release the animal into a remote environment that is safe for them.
Contact us today to request our rodent services for your home or business.
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